Monday, November 30, 2015

Cooler Health Fruit Infuser

Fruit Infuser Bottle Anyone??

Fruit Infuser Bottle!!

I want to share my experience with this Fruit Infuser Bottle! A product that I believe that will work very good for you! 

This is the box that it comes in!

The description of the product!

Ways that it can be used and clean!

This is all to Cooler Health!

This is how the Infuser Bottle looks!

Another view of the Infuser Bottle!

This Fruit Infuser Bottle is BPA Free!! This product is quite awesome to have and the size of it is just right!! I love strawberries and I have tried it out with them! Another awesome thing about this is that the metal loop that secures the lid closes!! It's an awesome way of tasting fruit with water and also it's healthy!! You just don't have to use strawberries; you can use oranges, grapes, apples, or whatever fruit that you like. I recommend this product to everyone who likes water and fruit tasted water!

Check out my video review with this great product!!

I got this Fruit Infuser Bottle product at a discounted price for my honest and unbiased opinion!

You can purchase this great product at:
Fruit Infuser
Signed and completed by:
:-) :-) Miss Betty :-) :-)